Welcome to the Hastings Group

Visit this Group

The Hastings meets at No. 5 Café & Larder 248 State Highway 2, Mangateretere, Hastings, every second Thursday 9.00am - 10.00am.

The Leadership Team

Leadership Team: Facilitator
Name: Korrin Barrett
Business Name: Korrin - Life Unlimited
Industry: Personal development
Business Phone: +64274413106
Email: hello@korrin.nz
Website: www.korrin.nz
NZ Businesswomen listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/korrinlifeunlimited

Meet the Group members

Name: Tania Boshier-Jones
Business Name: Electric Turtle Design
Industry: Graphic design
Business Phone: 0274 120 585
Email: tania@electricturtle.co.nz
Website: www.electricturtle.co.nz
NZ Businesswomen listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/electricturtledesign
Name: Janet Potts
Business Name: RSVP Bridal Couture
Industry: Bridal wear
Business Phone: 06 8766926
Email: info@rsvpcouture.co.nz
Website: www.rsvpcouture.co.nz
NZ Businesswomen listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/4500
Name: Zara O'Sullivan
Business Name: Hawke's Bay Rental Management Ltd.
Industry: Property management
Business Phone: 027 329 3893
Email: http://www.rentalmanagement.co.nz/
Website: http://rentalmanagement.co.nz/
NZ Businesswomen listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/4664
Name: Hayley Crosse
Business Name: Property Brokers
Industry: Residential Real Estate
Business Phone: 06 870 7056
Email: hayley@propertybrokers.co.nz
Website: https://www.hayleycrosse.pb.co.nz/
NZ Businesswomen listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/hayleycrosse
Name: Kath Boyd
Business Name: OMG Solutions
Industry: Marketing Strategy
Business Phone: 0210663930
Email: kath@omgsolutions.nz
Website: https://omgsolutionsnz.co.nz
NZ Businesswomen listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/KathBoyd
Name: Debbie Reed
Business Name: Debbie Reed at Loan Market
Industry: Mortgage advising
Business Phone:
Email: Debbie.reed@loanmarket.co.nz
Website: Www.loanmarket.co.nz/brokers/debbie-reed
NZ Businesswomen listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/11275
Name: Elaine Atkinson
Business Name: Ocean Hills Detox & Rehabilitation Ltd
Industry: Counselling
Business Phone: 0275737744
Email: elaine@oceanhillsrehab.co.nz
Website: www.oceanhillsrehab.co.nz
NZ Businesswomen listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/OceanHills
Name: Jo Morris
Business Name: The Write Coach
Business Phone: 0273618376
Email: jo@thewritecoach.nz
Website: https://thewritecoach.nz/
NZ Businesswomen listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/thewritecoach
Name: Bronwyn Harman
Business Name: Hastings and Napier Women's Refuge
Industry: Community & Not for profit
Business Phone: 021 877 903
Email: Bronwyn@fundraisingworks.co.nz
Website: http://hastingswomensrefuge.org.nz
Name: Samantha Charman
Business Name: Aura Consulting Limited
Industry: Recruitment
Business Phone: 021554745
Email: samantha@auraconsulting.co.nz
Website: https://www.auraconsulting.co.nz/
NZ Businesswomen listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/samcharman
Name: Louise Grinstead
Business Name: The Insurance Team NZ Ltd
Industry: Insurance advising
Business Phone:
Email: admin@theinsuranceteamnz.co.nz
Website: https://www.theteam.co.nz/insurance/
NZ Businesswomen listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/14548
Name: Rachel Wilson
Business Name: Counted
Industry: Accountant
Business Phone: 0274649040
Email: rachelw@counted.co.nz
Website: www.counted.co.nz
NZ Businesswomen listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/Counted
Name: Rochelle Sudfelt
Business Name: ReclaimYou
Industry: Cleaning & home services
Business Phone: 0226577362
Email: rochelle.reclaimyou@gmail.com
Website: www.reclaimyou.net.nz
NZ Businesswomen listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/reclaimyou
Name: Nikki Van Heerden
Business Name: Nikki Luna Photography
Industry: Weddings & portrait photography
Business Phone: 0272515700
Email: nikkilunaphotography@gmail.com
Website: www.nikkilunaphotography.com
Name: Jarnah Snee
Business Name: Aesthetics Collective
Industry: Appearance Medicine
Business Phone: 06 390 9818
Email: jarnahs@aestheticscollective.co.nz
Website: aestheticscollective.co.nz
NZ Businesswomen listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/aestheticscollective
Name: Estella Hamilton-Gibbs
Business Name: Innate Chiropractic
Industry: Chiropractic
Business Phone: 0278942068
Email: estellahgchiro@gmail.com
Website: https://www.innatechiropractic.nz/
NZ Businesswomen listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/15429
Name: Zoe Porter
Business Name: Holistic Health Massage
Industry: Massage Therapy
Business Phone: +642102230431
Email: h.h.massagenz@gmail.com
Website: https://holistichealthmassagenz.com/
NZ Businesswomen listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/zoeporter
Name: Quincy Smith
Business Name: Willis Legal
Business Phone: 06 8786039
Email: qsmith@willislegal.co.nz
Website: https://www.willislegal.co.nz/
NZ Businesswomen listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/quincysmith
Name: Kristine L’Estrange
Business Name: L’Estrange Digital Marketing
Industry: Advertising
Business Phone: 06 880 6434
Email: Hello@lestrangedigitalmarketing.com
Website: Lestrangedigitalmarketing.com
NZ Businesswomen listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/kristine_lestrange
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