Welcome to the Central Hutt Group

Visit this Group

The Central Hutt meets at Hutt Valley Chamber of Commerce Level 3 / 15 Daly Street Lower Hutt every second Thursday 9.30 - 10.30am.

The Leadership Team

Leadership Team: Facilitator
Name: Fiona Dolan
Business Name: EMR Wellbeing - Therapeutic Massage
Industry: Massage Therapy
Business Phone: (04) 569 5884
Email: fiona@emrwellbeing.co.nz
Website: www.emrwellbeing.co.nz
NZ Businesswomen listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/emrwellbeing

Meet the Group members

Name: Karen Smart
Business Name: NZHL Harbour City
Industry: Mortgage advising
Business Phone: 0274701122
Email: karen.smart@nzhl.co.nz
Website: www.nzhl.co.nz
NZ Businesswomen listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/homeloans
Name: Anna Manning
Business Name: Ray White Real Estate Lower Hutt
Industry: Residential Real Estate
Business Phone: 044999582
Email: anna.manning@raywhite.com
Website: www.annamanningrealestate.co.nz
NZ Businesswomen listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/Realestatelowerhutt
Name: Vered Ohanna
Business Name: Success Engineering
Industry: Business coaching & mentoring
Business Phone: 0272767498
Email: SuccessEngineeringNZ@gmail.com
Website: www.successengineering.co.nz
NZ Businesswomen listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/SuccessEngineering
Name: Justine Storey
Business Name: Orange Fox
Industry: Life coaching
Business Phone:
Email: justine@orangefox.co.nz
Website: www.orangefox.co.nz
NZ Businesswomen listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/orangefox
Name: Rachel Marks
Business Name: All Active
Industry: Health Coach
Business Phone: 021 02322193
Email: rachel@allactive.co.nz
Website: www.allactive.co.nz
NZ Businesswomen listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/allactive
Name: Therese McTague
Business Name: Arbonne Independent Consultant
Industry: Skincare
Business Phone: 0275186300
Email: Tmmctague12@gmail.com
Website: theresemctague.arbonne.com
NZ Businesswomen listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/Theresemctague_Arbonne
Name: Lyndal McKenzie
Business Name: Little Lace Flower Company
Industry: Event & Wedding planning
Business Phone: 0273638078
Email: lyndal@littlelaceflowercompany.co.nz
Website: www.littlelaceflowercompany.co.nz
NZ Businesswomen listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/littlelaceflowercompany
Name: Kim Monteba
Business Name: Monteba Business Solutions
Industry: Administrative Services
Business Phone:
Email: kim@monteba.co.nz
Website: monteba.co.nz
NZ Businesswomen listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/monteba
Name: Elanie van Greuning
Business Name: Crossroads Accounting & Advisory Services Ltd
Industry: Accountant
Business Phone: +64273423300
Email: elanie@crossroadsaa.nz
Website: crossroadsaa.nz
NZ Businesswomen listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/14645
Name: Pat Borabo
Business Name: MTF Finance Thorndon
Industry: Commercial Lending
Business Phone: 0272122966
Email: patricia.borabo@mtf.co.nz
Website: mtf.co.nz/thorndon
NZ Businesswomen listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/15067
Name: Caroline Petit
Business Name: Calbeni Flooring
Industry: Flooring and furnishings
Business Phone: 0223949197
Email: office@calbeni.co.nz
Website: www.calbeni.co.nz
NZ Businesswomen listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/calbeni
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