Welcome to the Ponsonby Group

Visit this Group

The Ponsonby meets at The Longroom 114 Ponsonby Road, Grey Lynn, Auckland 1011 (go thru the bar area and turn left) every second Thursday 9.30-10.30am.

The Leadership Team

Leadership Team: Facilitator
Name: Nicola Greene
Business Name: The Mortgage Basket
Industry: Mortgage advising
Business Phone:
Email: nicola@mortgagesupply.co.nz
Website: https://mortgagesupply.co.nz/our-team/nicola-greene/
Venus listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/nicolagreene

Meet the Group members

Name: Shalini Singh
Business Name: Maurice Trapp Group
Industry: Insurance advising
Business Phone: 09-630-5884
Email: Shalini@mauricetrapp.com
Website: www.mauricetrapp.com
Name: Leigh Judd
Business Name: Pidgeon Judd
Industry: Commercial Law
Business Phone: 09 973 0798
Email: leigh@pjlaw.co.nz
Venus listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/leighjudd
Name: Sharlene Ferguson
Business Name: Focal Point Photos
Industry: Photography
Business Phone: 0273438438
Email: info@focalpointphotos.co.nz
Website: www.focalpointphotos.co.nz
Venus listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/focalpointphotos
Name: Mary-Ellen Hinton
Business Name: Hello Saturday
Industry: Interior design
Business Phone: 021868422
Email: Maryellen@hellosaturday.co.nz
Website: Www.hellosaturday.co.nz
Venus listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/maryellen
Name: Rebecca Swaney
Business Name: Silverfox MGMT New Zealand - The Mature Age Modelling Agency
Industry: Public Relations
Business Phone: 64211783729
Email: rebecca@silverfoxmgmt.co.nz
Website: http://www.silverfoxmgmt.co.nz
Venus listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/RebeccaS
Name: Jill Godwin
Business Name: Godwin Design
Industry: Graphic design
Business Phone: (09) 360 5558
Email: jill@godwindesign.co.nz
Website: www.godwindesign.co.nz
Venus listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/11454
Name: Suzie Marsden
Business Name: amp'd careers limited
Industry: Career Development
Business Phone: 0273687698
Email: suzie@ampdcareers.com
Website: ampdcareers.com
Venus listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/suziemarsden
Name: Lucy Hudson
Business Name: Woodhouse IP
Industry: Intellectual property law
Business Phone: 02102773773
Email: lucy@woodhouseip.com
Website: www.woodhouseip.com
Venus listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/lucyghudson
Name: Francesca Alexander
Business Name: Social Global Grind LLC
Industry: Digital Marketing strategy
Business Phone: 021377110
Email: Francesca@socialglobalgrind.com
Website: https://www.socialglobalgrind.com/
Venus listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/francescaalexander
Name: Paulette Crowley
Business Name: Good Health Coach
Industry: Health Coach
Business Phone:
Email: info@goodhealthcoach.co.nz
Website: www.goodhealthcoach.co.nz
Venus listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/paulettecrowley
Name: Annette Griffin
Business Name: livewireelectrical.co.nz
Industry: Electrical
Business Phone: 09 390 7966
Email: annette@livewireelectrical.co.nz
Website: livewireelectrical.co.nz
Venus listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/LivewireElectrical
Name: Estelle Chout
Business Name: Chout Financial Services
Industry: Accountant
Business Phone: 021 245 3144
Email: estelle@chout.co.nz
Website: www.chout.co.nz
Venus listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/estellechout
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