Welcome to the Ponsonby Group
The Ponsonby meets at The Longroom 114 Ponsonby Road, Grey Lynn, Auckland 1011 (go thru the bar area and turn left) every second Thursday 9.30-10.30am.
The Leadership Team

Leadership Team: Facilitator
Name: Nicola Greene
Business Name: The Mortgage Basket
Industry: Mortgage advising
Business Phone:
Email: nicola@mortgagesupply.co.nz
Website: https://mortgagesupply.co.nz/our-team/nicola-greene/
Venus listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/nicolagreene
Name: Nicola Greene
Business Name: The Mortgage Basket
Industry: Mortgage advising
Business Phone:
Email: nicola@mortgagesupply.co.nz
Website: https://mortgagesupply.co.nz/our-team/nicola-greene/
Venus listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/nicolagreene
Meet the Group members

Name: Shalini Singh
Business Name: Maurice Trapp Group
Industry: Insurance advising
Business Phone: 09-630-5884
Email: Shalini@mauricetrapp.com
Website: www.mauricetrapp.com
Business Name: Maurice Trapp Group
Industry: Insurance advising
Business Phone: 09-630-5884
Email: Shalini@mauricetrapp.com
Website: www.mauricetrapp.com

Name: Leigh Judd
Business Name: Pidgeon Judd
Industry: Commercial Law
Business Phone: 09 973 0798
Email: leigh@pjlaw.co.nz
Venus listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/leighjudd
Business Name: Pidgeon Judd
Industry: Commercial Law
Business Phone: 09 973 0798
Email: leigh@pjlaw.co.nz
Venus listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/leighjudd

Name: Sharlene Ferguson
Business Name: Focal Point Photos
Industry: Photography
Business Phone: 0273438438
Email: info@focalpointphotos.co.nz
Website: www.focalpointphotos.co.nz
Venus listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/focalpointphotos
Business Name: Focal Point Photos
Industry: Photography
Business Phone: 0273438438
Email: info@focalpointphotos.co.nz
Website: www.focalpointphotos.co.nz
Venus listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/focalpointphotos

Name: Mary-Ellen Hinton
Business Name: Hello Saturday
Industry: Interior design
Business Phone: 021868422
Email: Maryellen@hellosaturday.co.nz
Website: Www.hellosaturday.co.nz
Venus listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/maryellen
Business Name: Hello Saturday
Industry: Interior design
Business Phone: 021868422
Email: Maryellen@hellosaturday.co.nz
Website: Www.hellosaturday.co.nz
Venus listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/maryellen

Name: Rebecca Swaney
Business Name: Silverfox MGMT New Zealand - The Mature Age Modelling Agency
Industry: Public Relations
Business Phone: 64211783729
Email: rebecca@silverfoxmgmt.co.nz
Website: http://www.silverfoxmgmt.co.nz
Venus listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/RebeccaS
Business Name: Silverfox MGMT New Zealand - The Mature Age Modelling Agency
Industry: Public Relations
Business Phone: 64211783729
Email: rebecca@silverfoxmgmt.co.nz
Website: http://www.silverfoxmgmt.co.nz
Venus listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/RebeccaS

Name: Jill Godwin
Business Name: Godwin Design
Industry: Graphic design
Business Phone: (09) 360 5558
Email: jill@godwindesign.co.nz
Website: www.godwindesign.co.nz
Venus listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/11454
Business Name: Godwin Design
Industry: Graphic design
Business Phone: (09) 360 5558
Email: jill@godwindesign.co.nz
Website: www.godwindesign.co.nz
Venus listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/11454

Name: Suzie Marsden
Business Name: amp'd careers limited
Industry: Career Development
Business Phone: 0273687698
Email: suzie@ampdcareers.com
Website: ampdcareers.com
Venus listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/suziemarsden
Business Name: amp'd careers limited
Industry: Career Development
Business Phone: 0273687698
Email: suzie@ampdcareers.com
Website: ampdcareers.com
Venus listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/suziemarsden

Name: Lucy Hudson
Business Name: Woodhouse IP
Industry: Intellectual property law
Business Phone: 02102773773
Email: lucy@woodhouseip.com
Website: www.woodhouseip.com
Venus listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/lucyghudson
Business Name: Woodhouse IP
Industry: Intellectual property law
Business Phone: 02102773773
Email: lucy@woodhouseip.com
Website: www.woodhouseip.com
Venus listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/lucyghudson

Name: Francesca Alexander
Business Name: Social Global Grind LLC
Industry: Digital Marketing strategy
Business Phone: 021377110
Email: Francesca@socialglobalgrind.com
Website: https://www.socialglobalgrind.com/
Venus listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/francescaalexander
Business Name: Social Global Grind LLC
Industry: Digital Marketing strategy
Business Phone: 021377110
Email: Francesca@socialglobalgrind.com
Website: https://www.socialglobalgrind.com/
Venus listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/francescaalexander

Name: Paulette Crowley
Business Name: Good Health Coach
Industry: Health Coach
Business Phone:
Email: info@goodhealthcoach.co.nz
Website: www.goodhealthcoach.co.nz
Venus listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/paulettecrowley
Business Name: Good Health Coach
Industry: Health Coach
Business Phone:
Email: info@goodhealthcoach.co.nz
Website: www.goodhealthcoach.co.nz
Venus listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/paulettecrowley

Name: Annette Griffin
Business Name: livewireelectrical.co.nz
Industry: Electrical
Business Phone: 09 390 7966
Email: annette@livewireelectrical.co.nz
Website: livewireelectrical.co.nz
Venus listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/LivewireElectrical
Business Name: livewireelectrical.co.nz
Industry: Electrical
Business Phone: 09 390 7966
Email: annette@livewireelectrical.co.nz
Website: livewireelectrical.co.nz
Venus listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/LivewireElectrical

Name: Estelle Chout
Business Name: Chout Financial Services
Industry: Accountant
Business Phone: 021 245 3144
Email: estelle@chout.co.nz
Website: www.chout.co.nz
Venus listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/estellechout
Business Name: Chout Financial Services
Industry: Accountant
Business Phone: 021 245 3144
Email: estelle@chout.co.nz
Website: www.chout.co.nz
Venus listing: venusbusinesswomen.co.nz/profile/estellechout