Pauline Ching, Pauline Ching Architect

Business overview

I am a registered Architect based in Wellington with 25+ years experience. Today I work for myself on a wide of variety of residential work.

Products and services I offer

I offer full architectural services - from initial feasibility studies and concept designs, resource and building consent applications through to contract observation and administration.
I manage expectations - dreams and budgets don’t always correlate - part of my job is to get the two to meet up.

I enjoy the balancing act that is architecture - balancing a client’s dreams, their daily life, our combined ideas, the budget, materials to be used, the site, sustainability, territorial authority requirements, building codes and consultant requirements!

Some key points of my design approach are:
* Build less but design better.
* Create architecture that gives you ( and others) delight.
* Maximise the potential of a site and a budget.

Why I'm in the NZ Businesswomen

The architectural and building professions are still largely male dominated so I enjoy this opportunity to meet regularly with women and soak up some of their positive energy.
By joining Venus I am learning about my business, which is quite different to the day to day busy-ness of being an Architect.

My gallery

My point of difference

When I start a job with a new client they know they will get me all the way through the job. I think I am very approachable and I love to talk about your plans and schemes. Undertaking building work is a big and sometimes scary step for many people and I endeavour to clearly explain the process required to get from the first line drawn on paper to the finished spaces.
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