Inna Neal, Innerlightened

Business overview

I am a WISDOM and Emotional Life Coach and Mentor. I support and help children, teens, parents and individuals become self-aware of, both their limiting beliefs and patterns and Unique Gifts. We heal the limiting beliefs and create new ways of being and creating with our Unique Gifts. I coach and mentor both informationally and experientially. Through the experiential work is where true transformation happens.

An example of this is, we can reach a dozen self-help books and know the information inside out and nothing in our lives change. But when we have experiences of the practices and healing...transformation happens exponentially and permanently.

Products and services I offer

*One on One Mentoring Journeys (All ages)
*Living on Purpose Now Journey for Women (Group Coaching and Mentoring)
*Living on Purpose Now Journey for Teens (Group Coaching and Mentoring)
*MIND-HEART Life Skills For Kids ages 7-13 (Group Coaching) In Howick
***All programs and Journeys shared both Live Virtually and in Person.

Why I'm in the Venus Network

The connection, safe space and support is incredible. It's so wonderful being in a space with like-minded women where we celebrate and grow together.

My gallery


Kim, A beautiful woman that has been through one-on-one journey and Living on Purpose Journey shared, "I feel so much more clarity and peace and stillness! I am also seeing things from different perspectives and not attaching like I normally do. Thank you thank you thank you; I am so grateful for you and our sessions we did together. No amount of money equates to this 'new' feeling inside. I feel like I can breathe easier, and I am more me!

Karin, another gorgeous lady shared, "There is a new calmness within me that is really helping me easier throughout my day, even the really challenging days."

Larissa, another amazing lady that transformed her life said, " This work never stops to amaze me! My back, neck, shoulders, jaw and head pain have gone, and I slept amazingly well after the meditation on Monday. I can't express with words what this work means to me and how much different my life has been. Thank you."

Donna, the Mum of a 16-year-old teen that went through a one-on-one journey said, "5 weeks ago, before my daughter took this journey with you she was always anxious. She would go to sleep with anxiety and wake up with anxiety. We tried many things, including counselling, and nothing seemed to work. Our relationship at home was tense and triggering. We lost hope that healing for her was possible. Five weeks later, she is doing amazing, a completely different child. She is more herself than I can remember. Our home life is calmer and happier.

The 16-year-old shared, "I used to be anxious all the time. I was anxious about being anxious. I didn't sleep well, and my mind was always cluttered with negative and fearful thoughts. Now, I am hardly ever anxious anymore. My mind is clear almost the whole day. It feels so good. And I'm sleeping really well. And when I feel like some negative thoughts or anxiety is coming up, I know what to do. I feel happy.

Melissa shared about her 11-year-old daughter who participated in the MIND-HEART Life Skills Course. She said, "My Daughter (her name) is a child that feels the 'weight of the world ' on her shoulders. Her teacher contacted me to say that her behaviour in class was worrying. She was having issues with friends, stopped participating in class and tried to exclude herself from group activities and cried a lot in class. I found she was also lying to me at home and wasn't communicating like she used to. I knew this wasn't her but didn't know how to help her. I saw your Holiday Program and signed her up. Two days after term began, I caught up with her teacher and she said she had already seen a difference in her behaviour. She was putting her hand up and answering questions. She said she seemed happier and more confident within herself. At home she has been happier, more balanced and we are communicating and having fun again. Thank you.
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