Steph Dyhrberg, Steph Dyhrberg Barrister

Business overview

I have been an employment lawyer for most of my 30 years in practice. I am a longtime Kāpiti Coast resident and now also have an apartment in Wellington for mid-week stays. I work from both Wellington and Kāpiti, and across the motu. I work for a number of charities and not for profit organisations, businesses and public sector employers of all sizes, and employee clients.

Products and services I offer

Employment law advice and representation
Independent reviews & investigations
Complaints management services
Expert in improving processes and policies for sexual harassment and bullying
Training and public speaking

Why I'm in the NZ Businesswomen

I am committed to the empowerment and success of women in all walks of life. I want to build more business in Kāpiti as I love the region and want to spend more time working in Waikanae so I can enjoy being there. I want to work a bit less so I can fit in my voluntary work over the next few years.

My gallery

My point of difference

Caring, compassionate and good humoured advice and representation. A brilliant public speaker and writer.

My latest business news

My beautiful new website is live! A collaboration with Lucy Ambrose and Tara Lemana, both Venus members.

From: Tara Lemana - Waikanae

ServiceProduct: Employment advice

Recommendation: I hired Steph to draft agreements for suppliers and employees for my previous business. Her extensive knowledge and experience helped me feel like my interests were in good hands. Steph is exceedingly helpful, compassionate, professional, and knowledgeable. Highly recommend.

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