Mandy Beverley, Remarkable Group

Business overview

I am a Business Coach specialising in Mindset and Human Behaviour. I work with high-achieving women to help them not only get themselves out of their own way but also see mindset as a powerful ( and often untapped) business strategy. Used strategically it's what I call your Remarkable Advantage.

At times we know a fresh perspective is needed. You are the vital ingredient in your business, and you need to prioritise yourself so you can show up as the authentic and remarkable you. Let's stop the past influencing your future decisions, relationships and business decisions.

Products and services I offer

While every client journey with us is unique, we tailor your requirements within the framework of our programmes that include;

+ Understanding the laws of the universe and how they influence your perceptions, emotions, and your actions.
+ Dissolving emotional charge and conflict in life or business.
+ Develop the ability to handle any challenge through an advanced and scientific methodology.
+ Develop human behaviour strategies that positively influence your values, communication, and relationships.
+ Mindset mastery and ultimately self-governance that happens as a result of balancing your perceptions.
+ Develop strategies for life and business that produce clarity, certainty, and transformation.

+ 90-day programme:
In this programme, we take a strategic approach to up-level your life and business. We focus on your highest priorities - specifically things that are in the way of you achieving your goals. For example, perceptions of yourself and others get in the way of you accessing your potential.

+6 month programme
Up-level all areas of your life by holding yourself accountable for creating change and transformation. We take a tailored approach to you and your desired outcomes.

+One Day Workshops on a range of topics: WORTH, CLARITY, Mindspa, and The Art & Science Of Being You. Please enquire if you have special requirement for a workshop for your team.

Why I'm in the NZ Businesswomen

Women in business are a special breed, and we need to support each other as we challenge ourselves to grow into our potential. Women need to talk about what they are doing! This environment helps develop confidence and establish that all-important know, like and trust factor, so we can refer our networks to these amazing women. This community has plenty of practical support and experience to help build women to be their personal best, and I love being a part of that.


“Working with Mandy has completely changed the way I feel about our business – getting me excited about what we do again. The biggest impact has come from helping us gain clarity around why we do what we do and where we want to go, as it's enabled us to talk about the business in a totally different way. She's helped us overcome some fears that were holding us back (although we've still got a ways to go) and has held us accountable to actually making the changes that we've said we're going to make.

Since working with Mandy, I've felt more relaxed and in control, and am really excited about where we're taking the business now. If you're feeling stuck or a bit directionless, talk to Mandy and I'm sure she'll have just as big an impact on you as she's had on us.”
- Verity Craft General Manager & Storyteller

“Having been in business for over 8 years, we had gone about our strategic planning in a number of different ways. Still, we ended up with a plan that we were excited about while we were in the room, but felt disconnected to when it came time to do anything. Suffice to say, we didn’t make much progress and when we did it felt like a drag.

Mandy created a whole new framework to take us through and breathed new life into our planning. She started with us as people and, from a deeply entrenched values base, helped us to imagine our ‘blue sky’. We may not have the numeric metrics, but we have far more action – we’re back in love with our business, excited about what we’re doing and achieving more than ever before. Her approach has made a really big difference! Thank you Mandy xx”
- Christina Wedgwood Director, Content Strategist, Writer

"I have had the absolute pleasure of working with Mandy on a personal and professional manner over the last 2 years. Her strategic approach to overcoming seemingly mountainous issues by breaking them down into bitesize chunks has allowed me to embrace problems, difficulties and rejection and see much more clearly the positives and negatives in many situations."
- Laura Daly Director, Auckland

My point of difference

Every challenge that you and your business go through has incredible benefits for you. But, it can be tough to see that when we are stressed and feeling chaotic, right? That's where I can help. Most people are trying to get you to be positive, but you still feel negative. Have you ever wondered why that happens? And, have you ever looked at the benefits of your negative thinking? Everything serves and gives you a Remarkable Advantage when you know why and how to use that knowledge in your life and business.

My latest business news

I hold an empowering workshop called WORTH - it's all about women owning and respecting their high value. All details and the latest dates are at

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