Business overview
I am a fully qualified Licensee Agent selling residential real estate from Ray White Papanui. I am also able to sell apartments where other agents may find dealing with the Body Corporate challenging.I have an American qualification in luxury home marketing, and I apply these concepts to all the properties I represent.
Products and services I offer
As , I offer a full service real estate experience that wraps around each client. The wrap around for each client is different, some clients need lots of communication while others want help with presenting their property to market.Clients may want to determine what renovations will add value and what does not need to be renovated. At no stage do my clients ever walk alone, they know what is happening every step of the way, and I am easy to contact to chat about anything that concerns them.
Why I'm in the NZ Businesswomen
I am a keen Venus member and really appreciate the opportunity to met my group and have everyone discuss their business and business ideas in general. It's a safe environment to canvas ideas and input.My gallery
My point of difference
I have a unique skill set, I have extensive experience in selling both stand alone properties as well as apartments with all the extra documentation that comes with Body Corporates.I have excellent qualifications as a Licensee Agent and American qualification in Luxury Home Marketing (one of four people in NZ).
In addition I have an Arts degree (Canterbury) and a Masters of Business Studies (Massey).