About New Zealand Businesswomen
Coco’s Class Limited (TA New Zealand Businesswomen) is a registered charity run by women, for women. New Zealand Businesswomen’s charitable purpose, and reason for being, is to help women grow their businesses – and themselves.
When women feel supported in business, their businesses grow. New Zealand Businesswomen promotes the development of local women’s businesses and business hubs, helping to ensure that profits remain in communities. This benefits not only to the businesswomen – their families and wider communities thrive as a result.
In New Zealand Businesswomen, we value women’s individual and collective skills. Skills like creativity, efficiency and an ability to think laterally often contribute to women’s success. Women are also more inclined to be nurturing, supportive, and driven by ethics, intuition and a desire to build relationships. In the world of business, these skills are under-recognised and underutilised. At New Zealand Businesswomen we celebrate and promote them.
Female business owners are driven by something bigger than profits. They want to support their family on their own terms, and to use their talents in a positive way. Our members have typically thought creatively to develop a business that works for them, while meeting a need in a market that can benefit from their unique skills.
Women’s businesses bring money and balance into households, while allowing women the freedom to maintain a fulfilling career. They encourage a balanced home environment, where equality is nurtured and valued, where high performance and independence are aspired to, and where both critical and creative thinking skills are developed. This is exactly why Venus Businesswomen exists. As a business, we want to be involved in educating, inspiring, motivating and support women through business ownership. We believe that many women have what it takes to create successful, profitable businesses – they just have to believe in themselves. We provide a safe haven: a place to meet other businesswomen and learn from each other. Women can access support, insights and advice from established, successful business owners. Our members feel empowered to follow their dreams.