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What does it take to become a leader that inspires loyalty, develops others and commands premium prices? Read on, and Vered Ohanna will share with you what an empowered mindset looks like in practice. The value of the right support – whether through mentoring, coaching or your own ‘advisory board’ is immeasurable. Don’t be afraid to explore the benefits.

Inspiring Leadership Through an Empowered Mindset By Vered Ohanna

Being a leader in your own business can sometimes push you a bit outside of your comfort zone. It’s not just about running a business; it’s about breaking through limits of what you have known to date. So, how can we – women in business – shape a mindset that boosts our leadership journey?

The answer is in having an empowered mindset. Instead of trying to figure out what everyone else is doing and working accordingly, we need to ask ourselves, “What would I love?” It’s about leading with purpose and being true to ourselves, making choices that match our own vision, and being bold to make that vision our reality.

Start by thinking deeply. What do you truly want for your business? What added value do you want to bring to your clients and team? Is it creating a friendly workplace? Then, go for it! Make every decision about creating a supportive and friendly vibe. Let that drive your decisions, make it a place where everyone’s ideas matter. Keep learning and trying new things to keep things fresh.

The change is huge. Businesses led by authentic and innovative women aren’t just successful—they become as unique as your thumbprint. Clients notice and love your authentic leadership and the added value you bring. Teams do amazing things in a space where everyone feels heard, and clients are happy to pay premium prices to get such a service. This powerful mindset takes your business not just through the hard times, but toward breaking barriers and finding real happiness within (and beyond) your business.

Now, imagine having a guide on this journey—someone who understands your unique challenges, which helps you connect with what you truly love, and makes your vision even bigger than you thought possible. A knowledgeable guide encourages you to dig deep, discover your true aspirations, your true leadership style, and align your business choices with your values and passion. Having the right person as your guide will help you develop the empowered mindset that will become a practical tool that enhances your leadership and performance.

Take Lisa for example. She owns a small graphic design business. Instead of copying the usual cold and competitive vibe, she asked herself, “What would I love?” Her answer was to create a workplace where everyone feels valued. She made decisions like having regular team lunches and encouraging everyone to share ideas. The result? Her business isn’t just known for great designs; it’s also famous for her warm leadership and the brilliant creativity that is embraced there. Her clients love the unique creativity that comes as a result of the team’s artistic collaboration, and her business thrives with premium prices that her clients are happy to pay.

In the end, it’s not just about being the leader of your business, it’s about being an inspiring leader with a powerful mindset, that is nurtured by the right support. It’s all about creating a bright future where businesswomen stand out, thrive, and inspire others to do the same.

If you’d like to find out more about how Vered supports her clients to cultivate a empowered mindset, book a complimentary strategy session, or check out Vered’s website:

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Read the article below and consider which of the 3 basic netball (and business!) actions you’ll focus on in the coming weeks! Share your insights with your group during your 1-minute introduction.

CATCH, TURN, THROW! By Jennifer Myers

If you’ve ever played netball, these 3 terms will be very familiar, as they form the basis of what you have to DO in netball in order to hopefully score.

Turns out, netball and business leadership have a lot in common! My two business partners and I discovered this a couple of months ago as we were prepping for a podcast episode, so we thought we’d share the concept with you here.

This year has been less-than-stellar for many businesses and downright scary for others. If you find yourself with a bit of extra time on your hands because the ‘phone isn’t ringing’, consider applying the concept of ‘Catch, Turn, Throw’ in your business in order to finish the year in a stronger position.

As a leader in your business (whether you’re a team of 1 or 20), regardless of how you FEEL at any given moment about the business climate, you still need to be ready to CATCH opportunities that come your way. They’re still out there. People are still buying products and services, so keep your head up, your eyes open, your head turning and be ready to jump on an opportunity – even if it’s a bit out of the square. Don’t sit back and wait for things to happen. Don’t go into hiding. Stay visible and active in your market, keep encouraging your team and be ready to catch the ball.

What happens once you catch it? You need to TURN and consider where you’ll throw it to get it further down the court. As a leader, this means evaluating everything in your business and being willing to adjust where needed. While you’ve got a bit of additional time on your hands, why not use it to:

  • Evaluate:
    • your target market – do they still need what you’re offering?
    • your messaging – do you need to adjust how you’re pitching?
    • your product or service – is it still fit for purpose and priced right?
  • Review your processes and systems – where can you create more efficiency and spend less time on all the extra ‘stuff’ so that you can do more of the things that actually bring in money?
  • De-clutter:
    • Your office – clear out the old and make space
    • your website – do you have too many pages that aren’t being viewed?
    • your menu of services or your product range – what isn’t selling?
    • your team – ouch. This one is a bit hard, but there may be people on your team who are just dragging your business or your team culture down. Do they need to have their ‘futures freed up’ to do what really spins their wheels?

Finally, once we’ve identified our next best step to move the ball down the court, we need to THROW it. For us as leaders, this means taking intentional action. Not flailing around as many people tend to do when the going gets tough, but clearly and calmly identifying what your next move is and then DOING it.

You might decide to ring up that client who has an overdue invoice and offer a payment plan to get the money in sooner rather than later. You might create a special package deal or offer a ‘sweetener’ to your ideal clients to encourage them to buy now or buy more. You may ring up a great past client and ask for a referral or two. Or you may decide to make a list of the top 10 people or companies you want to work with and then reach out to them directly to book a chat with the decision-maker.

Whatever the action is for YOU, take it! Don’t think about throwing the ball. THROW IT!

CATCH – be ready for opportunities.

TURN – be willing to adjust anything in your business to get it working better

THROW – take intentional action

And hopefully, you end up with points on the board!

Find out more about how the 90 Day Divas can help you get out of overwhelm and get your business moving here:

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