Well, another month has bitten the dust, and I do think it is getting a little warmer or is that just wishful thinking on my part? I don’t know about you, but I think I’m done with winter thank you very much!
As usual, the last month has flown by, helped a little this month by a week’s holiday in Melbourne with my sister and her family. It was lovely seeing my niece and nephews (although they’re all as tall or taller than me!) and spending time with my sister and her hubby. Loved the ‘one on one’ sister time as well, very special as with Mum’s dementia we only have each other to rely on and be there for. Oh, and in case you’re worried, yes I went shopping – love, love, love Melbourne during the sales – I was very definitely in my happy place!
So what have I been up to?
For the three weeks I wasn’t holidaying and shopping I was head down tail up organising the magazine and the Academy. I don’t think any of you would believe the ‘behind the scenes’ stuff that has to happen! I’m also thinking of doing a conference next year for Venus members just quietly. Knowing that planning for those sorts of things has to start way, way ahead of schedule I’ve had a couple of meetings to start putting things in place.
Things always seem a little slower in the depths of winter, but I find it’s a good time to ‘batten down the hatches’ and motor through the work. Nothing like getting a lot done on a day when the weather is awful outside!
Venus Training Academy
Well, how things change in a month. Kelly McFarlane, our Venus Training Academy Manager, has done an excellent job of getting the Academy up and running, but we’ve realised what a huge job it is, and how much work needs to go into it. I’ve been managing the rebranding and IP side of things, and it became pretty apparent it’s probably better and easier to have one person running the Venus Training Academy, and at this point in its development, it needs to be me.
So moving forward all Venus Training Academy enquiries can come to me, your Regional Manager or the Venus Academy Coach of the programme or workshop that interests you. If you want to see the workshops and programmes we are going to be running go to this link for the workshops and this link for the programmes.
The Venus Training Academy is there to run group training in an environment that sees you alongside other women who are looking for the same learning and advice. It’s very much about the learning alongside like-minded women in a supportive environment. If you require specialist or more one on one training, please speak to your VRM as she will be able to recommend you to one of our Venus member businesses.
We will still be running our Power Hours free to give everyone a wee taste of the Academy and the content of these will be changing as the workshops and programmes roll out.
Please make sure you keep up to date with what’s happening via either the Venus Training Academy Facebook Page where you can meet the trainers and find out what is going on. Also please have a look at the Venus Training Academy website at www.venusacademy.co.nz. Information will be posted to all the Regional pages as workshops and programmes launch, but the detail is always available via either of these options.
The good news is we seem to be attracting interest from outside of Venus as well; it seems the good news about our workshops and programmes is getting spread out there in the business world!
New Look Venus Academy
Well, the networking side of things is pretty much done, we are now doing the branding for the Venus Training Academy programmes, these will be done module by module as they roll out.
Venus Charitable Status
Still a work in progress but moving forward which is great. The legal and financial requirements around this are complicated, and lots of things need to be signed off, but I’m working through those.
Venus Magazine
All seems to be coming together nicely thanks to Lindsey Carroll, our advertisers and contributors. Getting quite excited, can’t wait to see this glossy magazine full of information in my hands!
If you’re still interested it’s not too late, we have put together the Venus Media Kit 2017 for those interested which details costs, the format required, etc. The media kit has been sent out to all members with all the relevant information and can be downloaded here. Lindsey Carroll, our Communications and Operations Manager, is the point of contact for the magazine and any queries/enquiries.
For those keen to contribute editorials remember we will be doing two magazines each year.
New Groups
We are on track to launch the new groups. Warkworth is being launched on 31st August and looks like it’s going to hit the ground running at least half to two thirds full – how great is that?! Taupo will be our last launch for the year, and that will happen in September so if you know anyone interested gets them to register on line ASAP.
Free Month
Remember for each person you refer to Venus you get one month free membership when they’ve joined and paid their membership fee. Simply get them to register on line or put them in touch with your Regional Manager. Who do you need in your group? Who do you know that would either benefit from being part of Venus or add value to this beautiful community – pick up the phone, drop them an email!
So how’s Venus going for you?
Are you making the most of it? Have you been to Member Success or Power Hour? Are you keen on running a Venus After 5? Taking part in the local Meet Ups?
Remember we’re here to help in any way we can so ask, ultimately though, your networking and your personal and professional development is entirely up to you. The more involved you get in the networking and training academy the more you’ll get out of it. A positive attitude and a hard work ethic go a long way in business and networking. Use the resources available on the website, visit groups, go to the social functions, get involved on Facebook and keep an eye on the website.
Being a Venus member is about you being part of a community of like-minded business women who support, motivate, encourage, learn and grow. We can help each other as individuals, but as a community, we can do so much more!
Until next month my vivacious, vibrant Venusians! X