News from the Bay of Plenty Region

Hi Venusians,

Last month Carolyn Banks our new CEO officially took over Venus. Carolyn has some amazing things planned for Venus so we are looking forward to it, you can read her newsletter here. The first change has been the branding, Venus has a new look and it is very smart and fresh. The website has also had a makeover with Video testimonials which have been put up, an Eventbrite tab where you can book any up and coming workshops and the noticeboard where you can put up notices and recommend other members. It is looking good, so I highly recommend exploring around the Venus website.

Facilitator changeover is happening the first fortnight in April. Thank you for everyone’s nominations and thank you to the new facilitator teams for stepping up and taking this role for the next six months. I am looking forward to working with you and getting our region thriving.

Currently, membership numbers are increasing in the groups which is fantastic, so please keep referring Venus and finding guests to visit the groups. To make the most out of your membership remember to have a positive supportive attitude, attend meetings, RAVE, Refer, visit other groups if your profession allows you, go to any networking events and get involved on the Facebook pages, in addition to your Facebook groups there is also the Regional Group, the National Page and Twitter. Remember the more you put into Venus the more you will get out of it! If you have any questions or need support please don’t hesitate to contact me.

A gentle reminder from Venus HQ..

A gentle reminder when guests come along to a catchup with them won’t be counted as a RAVE until they are a member. We’ve had a couple of instances of ladies coming along to meetings, catching up with Venus members and then not joining which really defeats the purpose of them coming as guests, turns out they are prospecting rather, than looking at building business relationships.

Until next month 😊


Taryn Joseph
Bay of Plenty Regional Manager
Venus Business Women’s Network
Email Taryn
m:: 021 188 1595


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