- New Zealand Businesswomen Network - https://www.venusbusinesswomen.co.nz -

Newsletter from Maree Bryant – South Island Regional Manager – April/May 2017

News from the South Island

School holidays always give us challenges, balancing those Mummy and business owner hats, and giving us time to RAVE. It’s about over and I know many will be looking forward to kicking butt again!

The launch of our Selwyn Group in Rolleston has introduced many new women to Venus, let me know if you’d like to visit this new group. Make the most of the opportunities!

Ferrymead will be launching on the 30th May so if you know any business woman working or living in this part of town, let them know!

I’ve posted some fantastic testimonials on your Facebook pages and would love it if you could share these with your own network!

Check out the upcoming events especially the Collaboration workshop that’s on Monday [1]!

Facilitator Change Over

Debs & Jade, Sharon & Kylie, Angela & Paula, Nicki & Sandi, Patty & Rosie with Ally joining me at the Selwyn group now all have a meeting or two under their belt and a big thanks to all the members in their support as they find their feet in their new roles.

Member Success Thought

RAVE’s – Make the time to meet with at least one member between meetings. Remember though to make sure both of you have time to share and use your manuals rave pages to help direct conversation and record what you learn about each other! The members are your potential marketing team, collaborators & support. So make sure your RAVE’s are beneficial to these goals!

Inviting Guests to Venus

I would love you to share the word about Venus and if you have a guest keen to visit a meeting, please either send me her details or ask her to register on the website here [2] or get them to ring me.

All guests outside the Venus network MUST be registered via the website before they can attend a meeting. I want to make sure there is a spot for their profession and they know the membership information and commitment before coming along to experience a meeting.

Upcoming Events

Hope to see you all at our casual networking evening next Wednesday night at the Strange & Co from 7pm.  BRING A FRIEND and let me know if you’re coming by registering on Eventbrite [3].

Dates for your diary

2 May – Collaboration workshop, 12 – 2pm –  Stellar 235 Riccarton Rd – Book here… [1]

3 May – MONTHLY NETWORKING EVENINGS – Strange & Co – 89 Lichfield Street Strangers Lane – Book here… [3]

8 May – Social Media Workshop by Fleur and Market My Company

30 May – Launch Ferrymead


Have a great month,
Maree Bryant
Venus Network South Island Regional Manager
Email Maree [4]
m:: 027 474 1479
