So it’s mid November, and the Xmas preparations are in full swing. Ho, ho, ho – I swear the run up to Xmas starts earlier every year, the first decorations I saw up were in September. So how’s the Xmas shopping going and all the preparations? The next couple of weeks is a Xmas whirlwind for me with all the Regional Xmas parties, hope to see you there.
Other than Venus I’ve been working hard on my boat. Every two years you need to take the boat out of the water, scrape the gunge off the bottom and repaint it with antifoul. I did four days of 10 hours per day hard physical work – I had some labourers to help me but learned that I need more brawn next time around as it’s not work I love! All that being said, my boat is sparkling inside and out, I’ve spring-cleaned it inside and polished everything within an inch of its life – I’ve even pulled the floor boards up and cleaned to boat bilges – talk about grime! Anyway, I’ve decided my reward is a long hot summer so get your sunscreen and your summer wardrobe’s out ladies – its gonna be a goodie!
So what have I been up to?
Finalising the magazine, publishing and getting the magazine into your hot little hands was the first thing on my agenda. Thank you to one and all for the overwhelmingly positive response we’ve had. Lots of hard work, blood, sweat, tears and worry went into the magazine, but it was all worthwhile. Our venues have been loving it, and we’ve had quite a few enquiries from outside of Venus for copies. Come early 2018 I’m going to be using it as a promotional tool to promote Venus to new businesses and also to some senior business women in NZ to raise our profile and promote our wonderful network!
Venus Training Academy
Programmes and workshops have run in in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch with a lot of positive feedback. We’re finalising the timetable for 2018 so you’ll know what workshops are running in the first six months. If you have any queries/questions please do not hesitate to get in touch with your Regional Manager. Information about what is on where can be found on either the website or via Facebook.
Perhaps a good idea if you want to find a little more out would be to book a RAVE with one of the Venus Training Academy Coaches? These women have a good handle on what they are delivering via the Academy and will be able to give you a little more one on one information. Remember the Venus Training Academy is there to run group training in an environment that sees you alongside other women who are looking for the same learning and advice. It’s very much about the learning alongside like-minded women in a supportive environment.
Venus Networking
Member Success and Power Hour workshops continue to run nationwide – we are also getting these in the diary for the first six months of 2018 so you can plan which ones you are going to get along to. Remember these free workshops are crucial if you’re new to Venus – they’ll introduce you to the in’s and outs of the network and give you information on how to get the most out of your membership. If you are a long term Venus member I’d also suggest getting along for a refresher, you’ll remember some stuff you’ve forgotten and be brought up to date with all the Venus ‘goings on’.
Summer School
Have you enrolled in the Venus Summer School FB page yet?
What is Summer School all about? It’s about reviewing 2017 and planning for a rocking 2018. It’s a series of six modules that will be emailed out to all members each Monday for six weeks starting Monday 18th December.
Our downtime over Xmas/New Year is a good time to take a break and think about what we want to do differently next year, what things can you do better and what do you want to put in place for 2018. It’s also about reviewing what has worked and what doesn’t work.
You can get as involved as you want. The modules can be done in your own time, and we don’t even mind if you’re doing them at the beach or the bach with a glass of wine in hand. Each module will also be uploaded to the FB page (just in case you forgot to pack your computer), so all you need is to log on, start the thought process and perhaps jot a few things down.
Remember Venus Summer School is offered free to Venus members every year and is another benefit of your membership.
Venus Magazine
Once again thanks for the overwhelmingly positive response to our new look magazine – it does make the hard work all worthwhile.
Because the next magazine is out in April, we are going to send out to you the Media pack for that magazine and it can be downloaded here. If you are keen to advertise or submit an article, it might pay to get yourself sorted sooner rather than later. We have a few articles left over from the first magazine already!
Free Month
Remember for each person you refer to Venus you get one month free membership when they’ve joined and paid their membership fee. Simply get them to register on line or put them in touch with your Regional Manager. Who do you know that would either benefit from being part of Venus or add value to this beautiful community – pick up the phone, drop them an email!
How to ‘step up’ your Networking
With the festive season fast approaching now is a great time to get extra ‘bang for your buck’ when it comes to networking – go to your group lunch, the regional Xmas party and anything else that is on. You’re building and cementing those relationships you already have. Make sure you start 2018 with a plan in mind for your networking – the beginnings of these clever plans this can often be born over a drink at a social occasion, you know when you can relax and have a good chat!
So how’s Venus going for you?
Been to the free workshops – had a look at what workshops Venus Training Academy is running?
Remember we’re here to help in any way we can so ask, ultimately though, your networking and your personal and professional development is entirely up to you.
The more involved you get in the networking and training academy the more you’ll get out of it. A positive attitude and a hard work ethic go a long way in business and networking. Use the resources available on the website, visit groups, go to the social functions, get involved on Facebook and keep an eye on the website.
Until next month my vivacious, vibrant Venusians! X