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Meeting Topics 22 September – 6 October – Leadership – Unlocking The Potential Of Worth And Value: Shaping The Path To Success And Fulfilment – Mandy Beverley – Good Leaders Give Great Feedback By Glenda Lewis

Meeting Topic

Introduction to Meeting Topic:

Have you ever doubted yourself or your abilities? Of course! We all have at some point in our lives. But that doubt holds us back in so many ways that we often don’t even realise. Every one of us is a leader – of our business, our family and of those who look to use for direction. But when we doubt ourselves, we diminish that influence! Focusing instead on our value, our worth and our worthiness is the key to successful leadership in life and business. Read the article below contributed by Mandy Beverley. In it, she shares 7 great reasons to step into ‘unwavering self-belief’. In your 60-second introduction, consider sharing your take on how self-belief has impacted your journey as a leader and influencer – OR if it could use a little work!

Unlocking The Potential Of Worth And Value: Shaping The Path To Success And Fulfilment by Mandy Beverley

In the dynamic area of entrepreneurship and leadership women can face numerous external challenges but oftentimes the biggest hurdle lies in their inability to recognise the profound benefits of coming to grips with their own worth and value. This can determine the trajectory of their success, influence and fulfilment. Just imagine if women stood in the unwavering self-belief. A picture begins to emerge of power, possibility and change – for herself, her business, her work and her family.

Let’s take a look at seven ways unlocking your worth and value can impact your life:
1.Unlocking your potential. – when women believe in themselves they unleash a spring of potential within themselves. They take initiative, set longer term goals and become more self-reliant. This internal shift enables them to tap into their strengths they didn’t even know they had, fueling innovation, resilience and growth in their business.

2.Increased confidence – embracing self-worth leads to a boost in confidence that is transformative. The new found confidence permeates every aspect of business, from decision-making to networking, enabling women to navigate challenges with greater ease and conviction.

3.Improved Decision-Making – With a solid understanding of their worth women entrepreneurs make decisions aligned with their true value. They’re less likely to undervalue their services or settle for less, leading to more profitable and fulfilling business outcomes.

4.Better Boundaries – knowing your worth fosters and maintains boundaries. Women leaders become skilled at saying no to situations that don’t serve their best interests, resulting in a healthier work- life balance and reduced overwhelm and resentment.

5.Richer Relationships: A woman who knows her worth attracts relationships – both personal and professional- that respect and value her contribution. This leads to collaborative, mutually beneficial partnerships and a more supportive personal life.

6.Heightened influence: A woman standing firm in her worth commands respect (from herself and others). She becomes a beacon of inspiration influencing others around her – be it employees, colleagues or other women entrepreneurs – to do the same.

7.Greater fulfilment: Ultimately, knowing your worth and stepping into your power leads to a deeper sense of fulfilment. Women leaders and entrepreneurs who value themselves are more likely to pursue ventures and opportunities that align with their purpose and what they love to do. This extends beyond the conventional metrics of success.

Embracing your worth and potential isn’t just beneficial – it’s the key to unlocking a remarkable life and business.

Don’t let self-doubt and perceptions about your self-worth hold you back from realising your full potential as a leader in your business, your family and your community.

Find out how Mandy supports her clients by getting in touch at the link below. You are more than enough…you are remarkable. Visit https://remarkablemindset.com [1]

Next Meeting Topic

Introduction to Meeting Topic:

In preparation for your next meeting, read the article contributed by Glenda Lewis below and consider sharing a time when you received feedback that was delivered especially well (whether negative or positive). What made it so effective in your view?

And what could YOU change about how you communicate feedback to make it more impactful?

Good Leaders Give Great Feedback By Glenda Lewis

Who doesn’t like receiving good and constructive feedback at home or in the workplace?  The ripple effect of giving great feedback is immeasurable, but for some, articulating clear feedback is like harnessing a fabled unicorn.  Likewise, for providing negative feedback – navigating and preparing for such conversations can be more daunting than tackling the flying fox for the first time at school!  But as a leader of any kind, having the tools in your toolkit to give great feedback and induce change is non-negotiable.

In this article, let’s explore how to give concise but actionable feedback that actually changes behaviour.

As humans, to change our behaviour, we need three things:

  1. A clear goal
  2. A genuine desire to achieve that goal
  3. And here is the clincher – Feedback that keeps us on track; what we’re doing well and what we’re not doing well

As a CFO and executive coach, I have seen many clients sitting across from me grappling with how to articulate feedback, either in business or with their own family or friends.  How I simplify this method is by categorizing positive and negative feedback as separate methods of approach, with each method being done successfully and succinctly within 1 minute.  You can try these with your kids, partner or business contacts.

For positive feedback my key 1-minute tips are:

  • Give feedback in a timely manner.
  • Let others see this recognition (namely in a team or group environment – office huddles, newsletters, team emails etc).
  • Make the feedback specific (be clear, not vague, and give three separate specific things that you liked).
  • And lastly, please don’t sandwich feedback with negativity.

To communicate negative feedback my key 1-minute tips are:

  • Again, give feedback in a timely manner and remember to only critique the behaviour, not the person.
  • Again, make this feedback really specific (give clear examples of things that have not been performed or produced to a standard you would hope or expect).
  • Explain what “good” looks like as far as your expectations of the level and standard of work that should be produced.
  • When its over, its over. Once you have delivered your negative feedback that’s it – there is no need to dwell on it nor bring it up again.

What you say is only 7% of what you actually say!

Something that often surprises people is the impact of what you don’t say.  The pitch, volume, pace and timbre make up 38% of what you actually say (with 55% being body language).  So when you use the tips above to give 1-minute feedback, look people in the eyes and play with your pitch and pace for emphasis.

Providing effective feedback is a crucial leadership skill no matter who or what you are leading.  By providing effective feedback well, you can ignite your employees, family, kids, and business associates and help them and your organization thrive and potentially catch unicorns in the process too!

Find out how Glenda helps support her clients to uplevel their leadership skills here: https://www.theleadershipacademy-glendalewis.com/ [2]