News From Auckland Central
Hey Central Ladies,
Welcome to 2018, hope you all had terrific Christmas & New Year and are back after some relaxing holidays.
How many of you did Summer School? I would love to hear how you got on.
If you’ve been keeping an eye on Venus Regional Facebook you would have seen a great ‘Start to the Year’ video from our CEO – Carolyn Banks and heard all about the exciting things this year is going to hold!! Watch this space!!
I had a wonderful Member Success Workshop this week with five lovely ladies! Thanks for taking the time ladies was amazing.
Next Member Success and also Power Hour dates will be in my next Newsletter, keep an eye out and remember if you are yet to attend a Member Success you are not able to do a 6 min Slot in your meetings, so get registered and get along. It’s also a great chance to get around and meet other Central Members.
Regional Drinks are at Sweatshop Brew on 28th of Feb from 5pm – Get on the Regional Facebook Page [1] and come along to the event.
Update on our Groups:
We are heading into this year with a mixed bag in the central groups and a few groups that need a member boost for one reason or another.
The Visitor Day Meetings are now being rolled out officially to each and every Group and have been a real success. The goal for this year is to get all groups full ASAP!
We have a healthy waitlist and lots of interest – So let’s get busy and get our groups full.
Please have a think ladies as facilitator changeover is close – Contact me [2] if you would like to put your hand up or if you would like to nominate a member in one of your groups.
Keep up your Raves and Referrals and always remember to check the Venus Website [3] if you need anything.
Wee reminder before I sign off – Please if you can’t make it to a meeting let your facilitator know by way of apologies if you can please make them in good time, five mins before the meeting is counted as a no show…. It’s a matter of courtesy and respect for your group and part of your commitment to the group to attend the meetings, Rave where possible and Refer where you can.
That’s all from me for now – Wishing you all the very best for the start of the year and looking forward to catching up with you all over the next few months.
Nicola Hunt
Regional Manager Central Auckland
Venus Network
Mob: 022 656 9443
Venus Network Website: [4]
Venus Academy Website: [5]