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Meeting Topics 17 June – 1 July – GROWTH: The importance of our personal brand in an increasingly online world – by Tabitha Arthur- Be Your Authentic Self – by Lynne Lawson

Meeting Topic


INTRO to this meeting topic:

We’re kicking off the GROWTH Education Pillar with this article contributed by Tabitha Arthur. In it, she discusses the importance of our personal brand and how photos of ourselves in places where our target clients are doing their ‘homework’ about us can support the ‘know us, like us, trust us’ process!

Read the article below and consider sharing your takeaways in your 60-second introduction by considering the following questions:

  1. Are your photos on your website, business social channels, etc professional AND up-to-date?
  2. Do they show prospects what you want them to see about YOU as the human behind your business?
  3. How ELSE can you use photography in your marketing to allow people to get to know you and feel comfortable with you?

The importance of our personal brand in an increasingly online world – by Tabitha Arthur

The importance of our personal brand in an increasingly online world – by Tabitha Arthur

Right this second, we have access to many, many choices for anything our heart desires – more than any other time in history. This can be really helpful – but it can also be incredibly overwhelming.

In order to grow our business, we want to attract ideal customers: we love to work with them, they love what we do, they come back for more, and they refer other ideal clients our way. But our ideal customer’s attention is split – we know our business is the solution they need, but how do we help them pay attention to us?

Picture this: Your future ideal client, who doesn’t know you yet, is searching in Google for something your business specialises in. Google shows them fifty similar businesses relevant to their search, and by some miraculous algorithm alignment and a sprinkling of clever keywords, they click on your business! Now they’re looking for reassurance they’re in the right place, that you are the answer. They do some due diligence Google-stalking: they check out your Google reviews, then your website, your Instagram or Facebook business page…

In an ever-increasing online sea of choice, what makes YOUR business stand out and you be the one they choose?

I believe it’s all about CONNECTION.

Why connection?
Ultimately we want to do business with people we like. If you had two identical businesses to choose between: in one the owner is not to be seen, you don’t know what to expect; whereas in the other business you are greeted by the smiling owner, sharing stories with you, you felt welcome and like you knew them before even setting foot inside. Which would you choose?

Online we have so much choice, it can be overwhelming. We’re looking for a reassuring face to connect with – to help us pause in our search and reassure us we’re at the right place.

How do you connect?
1. Visual. We humans are visual creatures. When we hear a piece of information, after three days we’re likely to remember only 10% of it – but when accompanied by a relevant image, we’ll retain 65% of that info! (brainrules.net)

2. Emotional. People connect with people. When someone we like smiles at us, our natural response is to smile back – their smile gives us warm feelings towards them. If our friend is full of joy and laughing, that can trigger the giggles in us, too! We don’t have to be there in person – we can see a photo and that same natural emotional response kicks in.

3. Know, Like, Trust. The point of personal branding photography is ultimately about helping your ideal clients feel a connection and choose to do business with YOU. Showing up and being visible online in your business is one heck of a powerful way to communicate. By sharing on-brand photos of yourself, along with relevant stories or snippets, you’re helping your audience get to know you at their convenience, any time of day or night – essentially making you more money while you sleep! By seeing you, people will begin to develop a stronger connection, feel they get to know you, which leads to liking you, which leads to trust. That ‘Know, Like, Trust factor’ is what helps your ideal clients reach out and engage your services.


99% of readers are likely squirming right now. Are you now thinking of 100 reasons why you don’t need photos? “I HATE photos of myself! Is it vanity to share photos of yourself? I’m not confident in my appearance. I feel so awkward in front of the camera!”.

I hear you!! Having photos taken can feel so incredibly awkward, and we have ALL had photos of us that are truly awful. That’s why choosing a personal branding photographer who guides you through your photoshoot, from posing to expressions, is vital to the success in getting photos you love and feel proud to put out into the world to represent you – and connect with your ideal clients.


It took me a long time to work out that how I feel about myself is how others will feel about me. The way I show up in my business is a direct reflection of how I feel about myself – and that shows up in sales.

Once I finally took that challenging step, and put my face to my business, the response was so positive! As I write this, just yesterday I had a phone call with a lead (now a client!) who was glowing about how she felt she already knew me through my website and social media. She lives in another part of the country, but she is prepared to travel to me. She was ready to spend thousands of dollars with me before I even provided my service, as she already trusted I was the right person for her business needs.

My own personal branding imagery, and the stories I share, has helped my clients choose to work with me. I know getting brave and putting myself out there online over and over has helped people feel a connection and be that catalyst to choose me over the multiple other options around.

The return on investment has been incredible – not only for the increase in my business, it also helps increase my confidence in my business, and myself.


Working with an expert in personal branding who can help you get clear on what you want and need for your business can be incredibly empowering. My clients tell me all the time how uplifted they feel throughout the process, they feel aspirational, as they can see that business woman they aspire to be reflected back to them in my photos, which stokes their drive to achieve even more. It’s win-win-win!


When looking for a photographer for your personal branding photos, check out their website and Instagram. You’re looking for two things here:
1. Do you like their work?! Can you see examples of personal branding photos of everyday people (not just models!) that resonate with you? Chances are high if they have done great work before, they can do great work with you.
2. Are they showing photos of themselves? If they show up in their own personal branding photos, they know what it’s like to be on the other side of the camera, and they know how effective personal branding photography is.


Lastly, I will be launching my super helpful Guide to Using Your Personal Branding Photos Online soon. It’s a freebie, so if you’re keen to get on the priority waitlist to receive this, please let me know! You can email hello@tabithaarthur.com to request this and we’ll send it out as soon as it’s ready to share!

By Tabitha Arthur, Personal Brand Photographer
www.tabithaarthur.com [1]

Next Meeting Topic

Following on from our previous meeting topic about creating authentic photographs of you and your business for your marketing, contributor Lynne Lawson shares with us the vital importance of bringing our authentic selves to every interaction. Read the article, and in this fortnight’s 60-second introduction consider sharing your views on authenticity in marketing and business. Here are some ideas to get you thinking:

    • Which companies resonate with YOU for having an authentic ‘presence’?
    • Is there such a thing as being TOO authentic?
    • Can you do something to build a more authentic and accessible presence in YOUR business?


Be Your Authentic Self – by Lynne Lawson

Being real is being authentic. No one can copy you when you are being authentic, which means you will have no ‘competition’. So, stand up and own the fact that your clients work with you because they like what YOU have to say and what YOU do.  Systems, pricing and products can be changed or fine-tuned, but you being you is the most important part of being in business.

In the fast-paced world of marketing and social media, it is very easy to get lost in the endless stream of posts and social media stories. Looking at what other people are offering and how they present themselves can take us down a rabbit hole of self-doubt and uncertainty. Our clients need to know that we are human, which means some days we don’t look 100%, some days we wonder why we get out of bed and other days we’re on our game and celebrating the fact that we are self-employed.

Think about your favourite clients (yes, we all have favourites) and- consider what helped them come to the decision to work with you. It all started with a first impression! First impressions are vital.  Just like customers will notice the mud on your boots when you have a face-to-face meeting, so they will notice your website images and content. Are the images on all of your marketing collateral showing YOUR unique personality and what YOU stand for? Invest in professional images of you and your business as opposed to stock images. If you are going to use stock images of “clients” then are should be a true representation of those clients.  One of my pet hates is images showing a very corporate setting in which everyone is wearing a suit or tie – when, in fact, the business conducts much of its business in cafés and over a coffee. Keep it real and take some photos in your local café.

Work with a professional to create some key brand guidelines around your business and ensure that they align with the vision and mission of your company. If you’re a petrol-head who owns a unique car, then include that in your marketing. Likewise, if you want to plant more trees and have an e-car, add those traces into your values and your marketing. There is no right or wrong here – not everyone is going to agree with your unique view of the world, but you don’t need every potential client to engage with you – just the RIGHT ones.

The colours we use to represent who we are as people and heavily influence how our business is perceived. We gravitate to certain colours, and they reflect our personality. Use colour wisely to support your brand values:

  • Red — Red stands for passion, excitement, and anger. It can signify importance and command attention.
  • Orange (my favourite)— Orange stands for playfulness, vitality, and friendliness. It is invigorating and evokes energy.
  • Yellow — Yellow evokes happiness, youth, and optimism, but can also seem attention-grabbing or affordable.
  • Green — Green evokes stability, prosperity, growth, and a connection to nature.
  • Light Blue — A light shade of blue exudes tranquillity, trust, and openness. It can also signify innocence.
  • Dark Blue — Dark blue stands for professionalism, security, and formality. It is mature and trustworthy.
  • Purple — Purple can signify royalty, creativity, and luxury.
  • Pink — Pink stands for femininity, youth, and innocence. It ranges from modern to luxurious.
  • Brown — Brown creates a rugged, earthy, old-fashioned look or mood.
  • White — White evokes cleanliness, virtue, health, or simplicity. It can range from affordable to high-end.
  • Gray — Gray stands for neutrality. It can look subdued, classic, serious, mysterious, or mature.
  • Black — Black evokes a powerful, sophisticated, edgy, luxurious, and modern feeling.

Use your words to send a powerful message to your future clients. Show your knowledge and passion and convey that you love what you do.  Ensure that your words are true to who you are.  A powerful message doesn’t rely solely on words but is a combination of expressions and your energy and personality that will resonate with the right future clients. Have a read over your website and social media content – does it feel like you are talking on the phone to your clients or is it too over-worked?  When you think about your brand and the words that you use in your marketing and your business think about some of these keywords:

  • Feminine vs Masculine
  • Playful vs Serious
  • Luxurious vs Affordable
  • Modern vs Classic
  • Youthful vs Mature (so glad I didn’t write Old there!)
  • Loud vs Subdued

Ultimately, you want to walk your talk. We can all write up some amazing words about how we work, but when it comes to action it, we can drop the ball at times. (Writing this article has highlighted some areas that I need to tidy up.)  Ensuring that you have strong systems that support you to improve and stay on track with positive changes is important to help you stay true to your vision and brand. Constantly seeking to keep your message and actions in alignment will empower you, and help you earn your clients’ respect.

Being real and authentic comes from within and shines out through your branding and marketing. If you feel as if you aren’t quite being as authentic as you’d like to be, be patient. Sometimes it is a journey to discover our personal and business branding and voice. But it is a worthwhile journey because when it is fully aligned, you will attract your ideal clients and continue to love what you do.

See how Lynne helps her clients here:  https://www.groworange.co.nz [2]