- New Zealand Businesswomen Network - https://www.venusbusinesswomen.co.nz -

Newsletter from Linda Crosbie – East & South Auckland, Waikato Regional Manager – October 2017

Newsletter for South East Auckland and Waikato

As I type this we are still maybe on the eve of waiting to hear who our government will be. Winston has been a busy man this week with the two main parties and lots of meetings. No matter who the government is life goes on and we all have fantastic businesses to run, evolve and take to new realms!!!

Connecting women across Venus

Over the past month I’ve had some great Venus experiences with also supporting in the Bay of Plenty at Venus groups. I have visited all of the 4 groups in Tauranga and The Mount. I’ve suggested they look to visit groups in other regions as you never know where that next opportunity for referrals or collaboration could happen. I encourage you to look at other regions too if it applies to your business. When you rave and you hear the back story of Venus Ladies you realise that some of us have been very mobile, transient or relocating to new areas in NZ for improved lifestyle and work opportunities. So some of us have vast networks of people we know across multiple regions. You never know where your next referral could come from……. happy raving!!

Facilitator change over

I would like to give a big thank you to the outgoing facilitating teams for the great work they have done over the past 6 months facilitating, supporting and encouraging their group members. This work is very much appreciated and its great we can thank you with a rotating showcase profile on the Venus website plus add 6 months membership onto your current membership.
I would like to welcome our new facilitating teams that most will have held their first meeting in the last two weeks. We wish you all the best as you facilitate our guests and members going forward until the end of March 2018.

Your online profile on the Venus Website Group Directory – www.venusclubs.co.nz/vc/member/profile

Just checking in to see if you have this up to date. Maximise how people can get hold of you. Do you have a great photo of you up there so when you rave outside of your group the person you are meeting will know who to expect? Plus a great photo is also part of your business brand.
Have you got all your key contact points up to date on your online profile so people know how to check out your social media pages and also to contact you.
In your profile area you also have a section to put up photos of your products or services in action. There are also several sections where you can be specific about what you offer and also a bit about your business story.

Venus NoticeBoard on the Venus Website – www.venusclubs.co.nz/vc/notices

Venus has an online noticeboard which is an area that the public and members can see the following things that you want to post:

Take the time to be proactive in supporting members and yourself by using this area of the website. I’ve just referred two people I know to a members event I saw posted recently in this area. She could end up with consultations from this referral.

Your Development through Venus Network and Venus Training Academy

Now that school holidays are coming to a close. The kids will be back for final term with more development and exams. We too can also look to what we need for our development in business and personally. Venus has many opportunities that are already posted or soon to be posted. Take the time to invest in you. Check out Venus National Facebook Page, Venus Regional Facebook Groups for your area. Plus these are also up in Eventbrite so you can Google search for Venus Events. And there is also our Venus Academy website. You will be sure to find something that will support you. http://www.venusacademy.co.nz/workshops-2/ [1]
Seal the Deal is the upcoming Venus Academy One Day Workshop. Book in and we will have Jennifer Myers in Waikato and BoP running this one. In Auckland we Nicole Coyne running this one (contact me for details [2], event to be loaded to Eventbrite soon). Both very dynamic ladies with a wealth of experience to support you.

Powered by Eventbrite [3]

Keep Raving!

Linda Crosbie
East  & South Auckland, Waikato Venus Network Regional Manager
Email Linda
m:: 021530877
