- New Zealand Businesswomen Network - https://www.venusbusinesswomen.co.nz -

Newsletter from Kelly McFarlane – Auckland Central Regional Manager – May 2017

News From Auckland Central

Hi Ladies,

I am now finally back on New Zealand soil and loving the clean air, but it was great fun seeing my family after 4 years and attending my brother’s wedding, yes there were a few tears and tissues being passed to me.

Thank you to you all for welcoming me as your new Regional Manager of Auckland Central and I thoroughly enjoyed visiting all of the groups before I jetted off to the UK. You are certainly a vibrant bunch.

Facilitator changeover has now happened and I hope the new teams are settling in and enjoying stepping up into their new roles. I know as a group you will support your facilitation team and help them and myself continue to grow your groups.

Upcoming events:

Member Success Workshop: 11th May 12pm at Zarbo Deli, Morrow Street, Newmarket. (Tickets are very close to selling out.)

I am wanting to try and run this workshop every 2 months, it is not just for new members but for all members to attend and it is another great way to network.

Eventbrite - Venus Auckland Membership Success Workshop [1]

Power Hour – coming soon and date to be confirmed.

Venus news HQ:

Each month Carolyn Banks will be sending out her monthly newsletter [2] which will keep you up to date with upcomingng changes.

So far we have had a rebranding to the logo which looks much stronger and bolder with a hint of pink lol.

We are working on the workshops and getting them ready to launch to you with a new look and more exciting content to help you with your businesses and personal growth.

The new meeting topics are going down and treat with everyone and helping you really take a step back and look in to your business. The current one can always be found at http://venusnetwork.co.nz/category/meeting-and-education-current-topics/ [3]

All I can say is watch this space as we are on one hell of an exciting ride.

How to make the most of your membership

We recently had the Venus Auckland After 5 event hosted by one of our very own Central Auckland members Kate Turska from KPMG Enterprise [4]. I feel to make the most of your membership is not to just go along to your fortnightly meeting but to put yourself out there at the events.

I know for some members this maybe out of your comfort zone but I can guarantee when you arrive you will know more than one friendly face and this is when the best things can happen in a much more relaxed setting and networking with so many different members from many different groups.

If you missed this event then make sure you are ready to step out of your comfort zone and head to the next one you never know the magic might just happen through one connection you would never have met.

Inviting guests to Venus

You have all been very active in spreading the word about Venus and asking people to come along to a meeting which is fantastic.

All guests outside the Venus network MUST be registered via the website [5] before they can attend a meeting. I want to make sure there is a spot for their profession and they know the membership information and commitment before coming along to experience a meeting.

Here is the link where they need to register. [5]

A Note from Venus HQ

A gentle reminder when guests come along to a catch up with them won’t be counted as a RAVE until they are a member. We’ve had a couple of instances of ladies coming along to meetings, catching up with Venus members and then not joining which really defeats the purpose of them coming as guests, turns out they are prospecting rather, than looking at building business relationships.

If they join your group I usually announce it on the Facebook page so that you all notified so if you don’t see the picture saying new member and an announcement from me then they have not joined.


Until next time, I will see you all soon.


Kelly McFarlane
Regional Manager Central Auckland & Hawkes Bay
Venus Network

Mob: 021 025 31077
Email: kelly.mcfarlane@venusnetwork.co.nz
Venus Network Website: www.venusnetwork.co.nz [6]
Venus Academy Website: www.venusacademy.co.nz [7]  
