- Venus Network - https://www.venusbusinesswomen.co.nz -

Newsletter from Linda Crosbie, Regional Manager Bay of Plenty and Waikato – July 2018

Newsletter for Bay of Plenty and Waikato – July 2018

Hello Venusians

I hope you are staying snuggly warm during these winter months but still managing to find sun rays along the way to get that vitamin D. OK a lot to share below so get a cuppa of your favourite drink and settle in for a read on how to promote yourself in Venus.

Well it sure has been a busy period with lots of activity. Some great business stories are being shared each week at meetings and some more members have started to use the Venus Facebook Groups and website options available to promote themselves and their business.

In each region we have just completed a round of Members Success Workshop, Power Hour and Collaborative Teams. More dates coming soon for the next lot in August and September.

Promote yourself to the Max

We get to know more about you and your business by you sharing that with us. So how can you do that outside of your fortnightly Venus meeting? So many options available to you to get your profile raised and here they are:

Venus Meeting Attendance

Key to greater success in Venus is attending your fortnightly group meeting. If you are not there then we are not hearing your latest news and you being top of mind for us to refer you. If you cannot attend then ask another lady to represent your business for you. This can be another Venus lady from another group. It can be a family member or friend. It can be a client or supplier you use. It can be a lady that maybe shares space in your business location. If you sponsor a charity a lady from there could represent you at a meeting.

This is a business meeting and should be viewed in the same way as you would with meeting your clients. We want to be part of your extended referral team as we hope you will be for us. By you respecting with participation and contributing then you are setting the tone for how you operate as a business owner.

You will also be on the roster at a few meetings to do one of the following:

Venus Group Facilitator Changeover

Our current group of Facilitating Teams are half way through their term.  They finish 30th September and then from 1st October our new facilitating team takes over.  To set up all our new teams I need to know by the second week of August who our next Facilitator and Assistant facilitator for each group will be.  This is a great way to raise your profile in your group and region. You can also be showcased on the Venus website as part of recognition that you are part of the Facilitating Team in Venus. If you would like to either nominate a member or self nominate then please let me know and I can share more with you on what is involved.

Venus Network Training Events

As part of your Venus membership you get the following events/activity that you can fully participate in. So come be part of them to meet ladies from across the region and to share about you and your business.

Venus Academy Activity

It has been great to have Jennifer Myers our Venus Academy Trainer visiting in person or is being smart and using technology to ZOOM online into Venus Group meetings across the regions in recent weeks to introduce herself and more about Venus Academy Workshops. We have the added advantage that Jen has written a lot of the workshops and will be our Trainer in Bay of Plenty and Waikato.

To get an overview of all the Venus Academy Workshops head to this link. http://www.venusacademy.co.nz/workshops-2/ [4]

Coming to you in August is Seal The Deal. A one day workshop that is highly interactive with strong plans to implement back in your business being achieved. Jen’s code is not to do death by Powerpoint. You will be kept active for sure!!!  Workshops will be held from 9.15am till 3pm. If it suits you better you can attend a workshop in another region.

Dates for Seal the Deal workshops:

Waikato  – Wednesday 1st August being held in Cambridge

Bay of Plenty – Friday 3rd August being held in Tauranga

Booking is done via Eventbrite. https://www.startingasmallbusiness.co.nz/eventbrite-event/ [5]

As a Venus Network member you get a reduced cost option at $249.95 plus GST and costs. Non Venus Network members can also attend and pay a bit more. Payment options are to pay online via Eventbrite or you can split the payment in two and pay 50% upfront to hold your booking and the remainder 7 days before the workshop.  Venus HQ will action this after you indicate on Eventbrite you want to take this option. T&C’s apply.

Signing off now

Ok think I have filled enough of your time and will leave you now to action the above so you can raise your profile in VENUS. Happy self promoting and I look forward to seeing /hearing more about you and your business over the coming month.

Keep Raving!

Linda Crosbie
East  & South Auckland, Waikato Venus Network Regional Manager
Email Linda
m:: 021530877
