News from the Wellington Region
I hope you have all enjoyed some time out over Easter, ANZAC day and the school holidays. It was the first time in Wellington that a public holiday has fallen on a meeting day, which meant the CBD group were not able to meet as usual. Some members took the opportunity to visit other groups and they also arranged to have a group RAVE at one of their member’s premises which was a great success. Group RAVEs are a great opportunity for a lot of you to come together as a group to support another members business. If you want to organise a group RAVE and you don’t have your own premises just get together in a local café or support the venue that you generally meet at. We also had a couple of group events during April. The North group went to Juliette Florists to make some beautiful floral arrangements and the Wellington South and CBD groups got together over drinks and Sushi.
Upcoming Events
The Power Hours all happening this week, Hutt Valley 1stMay, Wellington 3rd May and Kapiti, 5th May. If you missed out this time, they will be arranged every couple of months. Keep an eye out here or on Facebook…
Members Success Workshop, – Friday 26th May, 10am – 12 noon. Venue, Southern Cross, 39 Abel Smith Street, Te Aro Wellington. Register at Eventbrite here…
How to make the most of your membership
Remember that your Venus group is only a small part of the Venus Business Women’s Network. I encourage you to maximise your membership by visiting other groups both within Wellington and the Hutt Valley and Kapiti Regions. You can also attend workshops and events, RAVE with members of other groups and of course booking a Power RAVE with me. The more you get involved the stronger the whole community becomes.
Inviting guests to Venus
I would love you to share the word about Venus and if you have a guest keen to visit a meeting, please either send me her details or ask her to register on the website here.
All guests outside the Venus network MUST be registered via the website before they can attend a meeting. I want to make sure there is a spot for their profession and they know the membership information and commitment before coming along to experience a meeting.
Have a wonderful month.
Kind regards,
Wellington Regional Manager
Venus Business Women’s Network
Mob: 021 0225 2866