Newsletter for the Hutt Valley Region
Hello fellow Venusians!
Wow, how fast did the first quarter of 2017 flew by!
As all of you should know by now, Carolyn Banks has officially stepped into the shoes as new owner of Venus during the month of February. Exciting times lies ahead with a ray of new things on the table for Venus. One of the first changes you may have seen is the new Venus brand, both Venus Network and Venus Academy. Hop over to the Venus website [1] to see the changes made. You will notice an Eventbrite tab [2], this is where you can book any up and coming workshops. You will also notice the noticeboard [3] where you can put up notices and recommend other members.
Facilitator changeover is happening in the first part of April. Thank you for those whom has put forward nominations. I also would like to welcome the new facilitating teams to their new rolls and looking forward to working closely with you to growing and flourishing our region.
It is lovely to see the groups grow and thrive. Please remain on the lookout for guests that would benefit from Venus and invite them along [4]. Ladies, make the most out of your Venus Business Woman’s Network membership by displaying a positive supportive attitude, attend meetings, RAVE, Refer, visit other groups (if your profession allows you to do so), attend the Venus Networking events and get involved on the Facebook pages. Join the Wellington Regional Group here [5] and like the nationwide Venus Network Facebook Page here [6]. The more you get involved, the more you would raise your profile and the more benefits you will reap.
Venus HQ update
A gentle reminder when guests come along you a catch up with them won’t be counted as a RAVE until they are a member. We’ve had a couple of instances of ladies coming along to meetings, catching up with Venus members and then not joining which really defeats the purpose of them coming of guests, turns out they are prospecting rather than looking at building business relationships.
Keep shining lovely Venusians.
Paula Kruger
Hutt Valley Venus Regional Manager
Email Paula [8]
m:: 021 135 5021