- New Zealand Businesswomen Network - https://www.venusbusinesswomen.co.nz -

Newsletter from Carolyn Banks, CEO – September 2017

So by the time this is posted on on the website it will be October, where on earth did September go? It’s been a very full on month for yours truely working on our Academy programmes and workshops and getting timetables sorted for each region, I’ve also had the pleasure of working on our Venus Magazine which has been absolutely awesome!
September has also seen me in Tauranga for a couple of days, and then the Venus Management Team had a Conference for a day and a half. It was an excellent opportunity to bring the Coaches and Regional Managers together and for us to work on a plan moving forward as a Management Team

So what have I been up to?

As I’ve said, Venus Training Academy and the new Magazine have been the two things that have gobbled my time up this month as well as organising and running the conference. Putting the magazine together has been fun and an exciting experience, we’ve got some wonderful articles from our contributors, and our main article and photos have come together beautifully. Additionally, one generous contributor has given us a free iPad to give away to one lucky member – watch this space – details out in the next week or so. I signed off on the Venus Magazine today, and it is now ready for printing. We will probably have it back and ready for distribution mid October. Copies will be sent to all Facilitation Teams to hand out at meetings so make sure you don’t miss out!

Venus Training Academy

Programmes have kicked off in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch and by the beginning of December, we will have the timetable sorted for 2018 so keep your eyes open. If you have got any queries/questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with your Regional Manager. Information about what is on where can be found on either the Academy website or via Facebook.
If you want to see the workshops and programmes we are going to be running go to this link for the workshops and this link for the programmes. Please make sure you keep up to date with what’s happening via the Venus Training Academy Facebook Page. [1]
Perhaps a good idea if you want to find out a little more would be to book a RAVE with one of the Venus Training Academy Coaches? These women have a good handle on what they are delivering via the Academy and will be able to give you a little more one on one information.
Remember the Venus Training Academy [2] is there to run group training in an environment that sees you alongside other women who are looking for the same learning and advice. It’s very much about the learning alongside like-minded women in a supportive environment.

Venus Networking

We will still be running our Power Hours free to members to give everyone a wee taste of the Academy and the content of these will be changing as the workshops and programmes roll out.
Venus Networking will also be running Summer School over the Xmas break; this is free for all members and a bonus to your membership. A lot of groups seem to get together during and after the Xmas break and work through these modules as a separate project so that might be something you want to do with your group. Alternatively, you could find an ‘accountability buddy’ and work through it together?

Venus Charitable Status

Still a work in progress but moving forward which is great. The legal and financial requirements around this are complicated, and lots of things need to be signed off, but I’m working through those.

Venus Magazine

As I said earlier this is due out mid-October. Thank you to all of our contributors and advertisers. If this is something you want to do for the next magazine (due out in April), please submit your articles, business profiles or advertisements to Lindsey Carroll [3]. Unfortunately, we couldn’t fit everyone in this magazine so we already have contributions for our next one. Get in early – the sooner, the better as if this magazine is anything to go by spots will fill up fast.

New Group

Welcome to the family Venus Warkworth! Venus Warkworth came into being on 31 August, as at their third meeting sitting at 14 members with 3 ‘eager beavers’ keen to come to the next one and then join!
As far as launching groups moving forward, we’ve had to put Rotorua, Taupo, Whangarei, three more groups in Christchurch City, Timaru, a second Dunedin group and one for Richmond on hold until 2018 as we’ve run out of the year! We already have quite extensive waitlists for some of these groups so if you know anyone in any of those areas that are interested get them to register – the sooner, the better for their sake.

Free Month

Remember for each person you refer to Venus you get one month free membership when they’ve joined and paid their membership fee. Simply get them to register on line or put them in touch with your Regional Manager. Who do you need in your group? Who do you know that would either benefit from being part of Venus or add value to this beautiful community – pick up the phone, drop them an email!

So how’s Venus going for you?

Are you making the most of it? Have you been to Member Success or Power Hour? Are you keen on running a Venus After 5? Taking part in the local Meet Ups?
Remember we’re here to help in any way we can so ask, ultimately though, your networking and your personal and professional development is entirely up to you. The more involved you get in the networking and training academy the more you’ll get out of it. A positive attitude and a hard work ethic go a long way in business and networking. Use the resources available on the website, visit groups, go to the social functions, get involved on Facebook and keep an eye on the websites.
With the festive season fast approaching now is a great time to get extra ‘bang for your buck’ when it comes to networking – go to your group lunch, the Regional Xmas party and anything else that is on. You’re building and cementing those relationships you already have. Make sure you start 2018 with a plan in mind for your networking – the beginnings of these clever plans this can often be born over a drink at a social occasion, you know when you can relax and have a good chat!
Until next month my vivacious, vibrant Venusians! X


