News from the Wellington Region
Hello, fellow Venusians!
I am fascinated by how fast 2017 has flown by! It feels like I had just started my 2017 diary a couple of months ago.
Facilitator change over took place in October, and I am pleased to say that this went very smoothly. By now most of the new facilitators had enjoyed 2 – 3 meetings and are well on their way. Thank you to everyone supporting the new team and once again a huge thank you to the previous team that did a marvellous job over the last six months.
Most of you would have received your Venus Magazine over the last week, either electronically and hard copy. We have received so many great compliments on the glamorous look and feel of the magazine, the new branding and the exciting articles. It sure is a lovely treat, and I carry it around with a sense of pride.
Looking back over the last couple of months, we enjoyed a collaborations workshop at Southern Cross Bar & Restaurant. The turnout to this workshop was fantastic, and it was exhilarating to work with such a full room of buzzing businesswomen. I would like to encourage you to keep your collaboration groups going by feeding innovative ideas and inspiration to them on a consistent basis. We also had a couple of Member Success Workshops offered both in Wellington CBD and Lower Hutt. It is always great to meet fresh faces and reconnect with existing ones. In October Martine Carroll kicked off one of the Venus Academy programmes, Business Essentials. This runs over a period of 6 months. Keep an eye out for the next one that will be launched in 2018 along with Business Management which Gaylene Hughes will facilitate.
Looking ahead
The greater Wellington region stretches from Upper Hutt, through Wellington and up to Kapiti, covering 11 Venus groups. We aim to connect this entire region with one another as we can thrive stronger in business when we are connected. Going forward, all the Venus programmes and workshops will be centralised and hosted in the most central location. 1841 Bar & Restaurant meets these requirements. Not only does the venue meet the different facilities we may need from time to time, but it also offers free ample parking. Keep an eye out on Eventbrite for upcoming events as Member Success Workshops and Power Hour has already been posted and opens for registrations until late 2018.
Upcoming events for the Wellington region
Power Hour – 10 November
Learn a powerful time management, daily planning and focus tools to help you thrive in business and Venus.
Member Success Workshop – 1 December
Get the most out of your Venus membership by coming to this workshop. Learn how best to refer, network and find alliances.
Wellington Regional Christmas party – 5 December 5:30 – 8 pm
The tickets will come on sale within the next few days. Please book the date in your diary. Tickets will be limited, therefore, keep an eye on the Wellington Regional Facebook page.
Summer school – to be announced.
• Look for the Eventbrite tab on the main page of the Venus website [3]; this is where you can book workshops that are open to the public.
• You may have noticed the noticeboard where you can put up notices and recommend other members. This is a beautiful way to get your referrals sorted if you ever fall short – [4]
• Register a guest [5] from the main page of the Venus website.
It is lovely to see the groups grow and thrive. Please remain on the lookout for guests that would benefit from Venus and invite them along. Remember that for every new member that comes on board due to your referral, Venus gifts you a complimentary month towards your membership.
Ladies, make the most out of your Venus Business Woman’s Network membership by displaying a positive supportive attitude, attend meetings, RAVE, Refer, visit other groups (if your profession allows you to do so), attend the Venus Networking events and get involved on the Facebook pages. The more you get involved, the more you would raise your profile and the more benefits you will reap.
Keep shining lovely Venusians.
Kind regards,
Paula Kruger
Wellington Regional Manager
Venus Business Women’s Network
Email Paula [6]
m:: 021 135 5021