News From Auckland Central
Hey Central Ladies,
Welcome to March!!!
All our groups have now had a Visitor Day or have one in the plans! What an amazing experience and so good seeing the Guest List, Follow Up List and Renewals all looking so healthy – Massive thank you to everyone who has contributed and to the Facilitators who have run these.
Keep the visitors coming and I am continuing to track through the Wait List and still very keen to get all our groups full!
You will all have seen and or heard about the next exciting release of the Venus Magazine! It would be wonderful to see us Central Ladies really get behind it and it really is a great way to get your business out there.
Head over to the Venus Website [1] and check out the Media Pack [2] which you can download there and if you need any convincing check out the last beautiful magazine; as you are able to download a copy on the website too. If you would like to submit an article please send those through to Carolyn Banks and she will be in touch.
We are also fast approaching Facilitator Change Over – I would personally like to thank the current facilitation groups for all of their hard work over the last 6 months, you are all amazing and it is much appreciated. There have been quite a few nominations and I am still awaiting details for a couple of groups. Get your thinking caps on ladies about who would be great to run your groups for the next stint or if you would like to be brave and put your hand up – Just send me an email.
Important Dates:
Central’s First Power Hour for 2018 – Keep Friday the 30th of March free
Central’s Second Member Success for 2018 – Keep Monday 30th of April free
Power Hour’s: These are amazing sessions to meet other Venus Ladies and also to go through some really helpful tools – More info to come! Power Hour’s this year have also changed because Carolyn Banks has written some new ones!! These all flow on throughout the year and are different each time and designed so even if you have attended before that the next one will be different and cover different things.
Member Success Workshops: Please register for these ladies and remember you are unable to do your 6 min spotlight until you have attended one of these! So look out for the details and register.
Keep these up ladies as these are your ticket to success! The more other members know about you and your business, the easier it is to refer and generate new business for you. Your sales team can only sell if you give them the tools.
Also, keep in mind that you are all more than welcome to come and have a Power Rave with me. These are designed to come up with a Networking Plan for you, I am more than happy to help where I can to grow your businesses.
Keep an eye on the Venus Regional Facebook and your Group Facebook pages, there is some really important info released in there. If you are not on your Groups Facebook Page then please search for it and ask to be added so I can accept that for you.
Well, that’s enough updating for this month, have a lovely month ladies and take care.
Nicola Hunt
Regional Manager Central Auckland
Venus Network
Mob: 022 656 9443
Venus Network Website: [1]
Venus Academy Website: [3]